Keeping the Sharks at Bay (evening group)

Please call to register for this group on 4775 7555.
Craft Workshops

Our Artist in Residence Sonia brings her expertise to The Women’s Centre every Friday for a craft workshops of education and experience. Come and join in with other women to be creative in our free weekly sessions. All women are welcome. Download Flyer
Midwife Clinic

The Townsville University Hospital and Health Service are partnering with The Women’s Centre to deliver a Midwife Clinic from The Women’s Centre. Call Townsville University Hospital on 4433 1450 to book an appointment.
Tasty Time

Join Viv Salu, from Active Nutrition, and other women and children to create, prepare and enjoy healthy bites from nature. Women and children are invited to get into the kitchen and have fun with all things edible for a free sample of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Art workshops with Karen

This is an exciting new workshop with local First Nations artist Karen Doolan. Karen will be hosting workshops weekly on Thursday from 9:30am to 3pm. Karen is the incredibly tallented artist of the beautiful “Tears Tell Stories” piece that you will see featured in The Women’s Centre. The “Tears Tell Stories” artwork tells the profound […]
Immigration Clinic

Monthly clinic with migration lawyer from North Queensland Women’s Legal Service. Every second Wednesday of the month, 9am to 12 Noon. Call 4775 7555 to arrange an appointment.
Musical Group

Come along for some singing, song writing and musical fun with Vicki. Tuesdays from 12:30-2:30pm. All women welcome!
Creative Writing Group

In the beginning there was the word. What better way to express yourself than writing. Our writing group is here to support you on your path to writing, be it poetry or plays, short stories, fact or fiction. Contact Barbara on 0419 361 988 and she will give you more information.

Please join Coral for a session of gentle Yoga exercise at The Women’s Centre. Our weekly class is held inside in air-conditioned comfort, however you will need to bring your own yoga mat, towel and a water bottle. Coral’s yoga session caters for all women of varying capability . We need to know if you […]
Legal Services

Each Tuesday, various legal clinics visit The Women’s Centre to offer free legal advice. Bookings are required. Contact 4775 7555 to make a booking. Visiting services: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (every first Tuesday of the month) Townsville Community Law (every second Tuesday of the month) Legal Aid (every third Tuesday of the […]