Specialist Homelessness Service

Information and Referral - Crisis Response

If you are in crisis and are homeless or escaping domestic and family violence you can seek support daily with no appointment.  Initial and ongoing assessment of your needs will be provided and referrals to shelters and/or emergency accommodation will be made if required. 

Wherever possible immediate shelter will be established and follow up provided to establish and sustain future housing,

Sustaining and Establishing a tenancy/a home

The homelessness service aims to provide support for women to transition out of homelessness into safe, secure accommodation. 

Don’t wait to seek help to sustain your tenancy, the service actively advocates, refers and gains assistance to support you to remain in your home.

“If it was not for the Specialist Homelessness Service, I would not be where I am today which is in my own flat with my dogs, and managing my day to day living”

“This service had helped me understand my visa with immigration and my rights”

“I am no longer moving from one family member to another with my child, we are now in a permanent flat”

I am now understanding my finances and have set up regular payments for my rent and electricity so I do not get in debt and end up not being able to pay my rent – I feel much more secure”.

The specialist homelessness service aims to:

For women experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness we offer:

Support and activities are available to women to reduce social isolation and build community we offer: