Stories of Survival

Stories of Survival

“If it was not for the Specialist Homelessness Service, I would not be where I am today which is in my own flat with my dogs, and managing my day to day living”​
“This service had helped me understand my visa with immigration and my rights”
“I am no longer moving from one family member to another with my child, we are now in a permanent flat”​
I am now understanding my finances and have set up regular payments for my rent and electricity so I do not get in debt and end up not being able to pay my rent – I feel much more secure”.


During 2018 and 2019 our Specialist Homelessness Service assisted 144 women and 166 children in primary homelessness to safe, secure housing.  545 individual women received support from our caseworkers to assist them with issues related to domestic violence, relationship breakdown and termination of tenancy.


A vulnerable woman with long history of chronic homelessness accessed support from the Specialist Homelessness Service and has now successfully maintained a tenancy with a housing provider for over 18 months.  With holistic case management, physical and emotional support the woman’s complex issues of social isolation, disability, financial instability and adversity have been reduced and she has been empowered to sustain her life independently.